Is Browne right to expect lower oil prices?

The BP chief doesn t think peak oil production is at hand. So he anticipates an oil price of $40 per barrel. Or even $25 in the long term. But is he right? Possibly, as far as supply and demand are concerned. But politics and inflation could get in the way. The BP chief sees a mediumterm oil price of $40 per barrel. And a possible fall to $25 in the long term. True, the current high price is stimulating supply and constraining demand. But politics will have the last word.

Growth or inflation? Investors should fear both

There was a growth panic on Thursday. Equity buyers worried that higher interest rates might deter highly geared consumers. But other worries inflation, dollar and geopolitical could retrun. Such fluctuating concerns are reasonable in an unbalanced world. The mood of the markets swings between fears of higher inflation and slower growth with each new piece of data. That's understandable. But the real risk is that both come at the same time. A dose of stagflation would really hurt.